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Social Events

We plan at least three social events:

  • Welcome Party with Cocktails (July 7, 2018)
  • Conference Dinner (July 10, 2018) and Excursion (July 9, 2018)


From Nafpaktos we will  proceed by bus to Delphi (1:30-2:00 hours journey) where we will visit the archaeological site and museum.

Conference Dinner: 20 EURO (per person)

Excursion to Delphi (http://odysseus.culture.gr/h/3/eh3530.jsp?obj_id=2507): Will be free for all participants (we have the possibility for 5 busses / 240-250 participants).

Copyright © 2017 - 2024 2018 International Conference on Topology and its Applications | July 7-11, 2018, Nafpaktos, Greece